Craig Frankland and Tammy Lacy
Daylesford College’s final year art students will showcase their year’s work in an online exhibition opening on 21 October at 6pm. This event usually takes place over three days at the Daylesford Town Hall with many people viewing the students’ work. This year however, with COVID restrictions, we are taking our students’ work to the masses and making it available via an online exhibition.
The students have been working in isolation, in spaces without access to their usual resources and without the social support of their peers and teachers. This will be a really exciting and novel way to finish off the year and to showcase all their hard work and talent. This year’s exhibition is also expanding to include the music and drama students.
Across the year, students have evolved their original ideas as influenced by their new context of ‘lockdown’ either through choice or necessity. Some students have had to start from scratch to achieve their productions due to the constraints of learning online from home. This has not deterred our students from achieving their best with their creative outcomes.
Opening night on Wednesday 21 October will feature an introduction from Principal, Steve MacPhail, and the Head of Art, Craig Frankland as they welcome visitors to ‘virtually’ explore the space. You are welcome to engage with our ‘simulated’ Opening Night experience. Make yourselves comfortable and enjoy exploring what our Arts students have to offer, in a virtual environment.
Awards will be announced in the final section of the exhibition where judges will have pre-recorded their announcements. As usual, there will be a People’s Choice award that visitors can vote for across the week. A link will be provided.
The virtual exhibition will be uploaded and accessible from 6pm Wednesday 21 October. To access the exhibition you will find a direct link from either our school Facebook page: or our school website:
Craig Frankland is of Head of Art and Tammy Lacy is a staff member at Daylesford College.