Half Light, the acclaimed duo of Rennie Pearson and Bob McNeill, is coming to play at The Palais Hepburn on Friday, June 21st at 7:30pm.
Known for their driving, hypnotic Celtic music, the duo is set to embark on their second tour of Australia, with shows scheduled across Victoria and New South Wales in June. Half Light promises to deliver a captivating performance, blending original and traditional folk tunes for an enchanting experience.
Half Light’s magic lies in their ability to take these folk melodies and songs, both old and new, and weave them into fresh and exciting arrangements. Drawing inspiration from a rich tapestry of musical styles, they transport listeners to faraway lands with one melody and have them tapping their toes and clapping their hands with the next.
Both Pearson and McNeill are well-respected figures in the folk music scenes of New Zealand and Australia, with extensive experience touring all over the world as solo artists and group members, earning recognition with numerous awards. They have
shared their expertise at many festivals and workshops across the globe, promising an evening of diverse folk music.
The Half Light show will feature a range of instruments, including wooden flutes, Irish tin whistles, guitars, and heartfelt vocals. Their fresh approach to traditional folk music is sure to appeal to all music enthusiasts.
This article is based on a media release from the musicians.