Low Interest Loans
Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (the Parent body for DNC) is proud to be partnering with Good Shepherd and their No Interest Loan program.
No Interest Loans (NILs) provide individuals and families on low incomes or who have been impacted by domestic and family violence with access to safe, fair, affordable credit with no fees and charges applied.
Washing machine broken down? Unexpected car repairs? Need a new laptop for work or school? Moving and need support with bond or rent in advance? Re-establishing after fleeing domestic violence?
Unexpected expenses are bound to pop up from time to time. NILs can help you manage your money and you only pay back what you borrow, nothing more.
Borrow up to $2,000 for essential goods and services:
- Whitegoods (fridge, washing machines)
- Electrical appliances (TVs, tech devices, heaters and more)
- Car repairs
- Household repairs
- Medical and dental
- Other essential items as requested
Loans are also available for people who are affected by family and domestic violence to help them get to a safer situation.
To be eligible for the No Interest Loans, you must:
- hold a Health Care Card / Pension Card, or
- earn less than Gross $70,000 p.a. (Net $57,000 p.a.) for singles or Gross $100,000 p.a. (Net $75,000 p.a.) for couples or people with dependents, or
- have experienced family or domestic violence in the last 10 years, and
- show that you are able to afford to repay the loan.
To enquire about the loans, go to https://www.nhvic.org.au/forms/no-interest-loans-enquiry
For more information go to https://goodshep.org.au/services/nils/
DNC Joke of the Week
Arriving home from work at my usual hour of 5 pm I discovered that it had not been one of my wife’s better days. Nothing I said or did seemed to be right. By 7 p.m., things had not changed, so I suggested I go outside, pretend I had just gotten home, and start all over again. My wife agreed.
I went outside, came back in and, with a big smile, announced, “Honey, I’m home!”
“And just where have you been?” she replied sharply “It’s after seven o’clock!”
[If you’ve got a better joke, (and doesn’t everyone??) send it to admin@dncentre.org.au and we’ll publish it. (Remember, this is a family publication! ?). We’ll even include your name if you wish – or you can protect your anonymity!]