The Ranges Resettlement Group will hold a Fund Raiser and Art Auction on Sunday the 19th of March at the Social Foundry in Kyneton to support a refugee family that has had to flee their home and will soon be arriving in the Macedon Ranges seeking sanctuary and a new life.

The group of local volunteers aim to set up a house and assist the family over the first 12 months to integrate into Australian society.  They are seeking support from the local community.

 The main fund raising event will be and Art Auction. Various artists, both local and Melbourne based, have donated sculptures and paintings. Local businesses and individuals have donated items for a raffle to follow the auction.

The fundraiser will commence at 3pm. The art auction will start at 4 pm and the raffle will be drawn at the conclusion of the auction. The event will conclude at 6 pm.

A light supper and tea or coffee will be provided free of charge. Drinks can be purchased at the venue.

This could be your chance to acquire a very special piece.

The Ranges Resettlement Group has expressed their appreciation to the Kyneton Social Foundry and the artists and local businesses who have supported the auction and raffle.

Donations to the auction and the raffle are still being accepted. If you are a local artist or an individual in a position to donate a piece of art, the organisers would love to hear from you. Local businesses who would like to donate to the raffle or contribute to catering will be gratefully acknowledged. Contact Roger on 0423 020 669.

You can find the event on the Eventbrite website: . RSVP to give them an idea of numbers or just turn up on the day

If you are unable to attend but would like to assist this family on their journey to a new life, the Ranges Resettlement Group  has set up Tax Deductible donation site. You can find it at