Daylesford and Hepburn Springs now have their own FM radio station on your dial at 88.O FM. Hepburn Community Radio officially launched FM broadcasts last weekend.

The FM station is run by Hepburn Community Radio (HCR). The station broadcasts from the Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre. It was founded by a small group of locals interested in furthering the development of a community radio station for the Hepburn Shire area of Victoria.

HCR has run a digital on-line station for a number of years.  The station provides a range of news, current affairs, music and chat.

The introduction of the FM station means the station can now be heard locally on FM radio and digitally on mobiles, tablets and computers.

HCR were offered the FM license for a peppercorn rental earlier this year. The Daylesford Community Bank and the Hepburn Shire Council provided funding for an aerial.

The FM launch was attended by the Mayor Cr Brian Hood, Birch Ward Councillors Lesley Hewitt and Jen Bray and Community Bank Chair Mark Rak.

Local identity and President of Hepburn Community Radio Max Primmer welcomed the guests and showed them around the studio.

Listen for HCR on-line or on your FM radio. The broadcast schedule is:
Monday to Friday 8am to 10am: The Breakfast Show
Saturday 10am: The Album Show
Saturday 1pm to 3pm: The Game Show

More shows to come in the next few weeks.