Residents and property owners in Hepburn Shire Council can dispose of green waste for free at transfer stations in Daylesford, Creswick and Trentham throughout the month. Green waste includes tree branches, grass and leaf litter. Noxious weeds (gorse, broom, blackberry) are not accepted.
Proof of residency is required. Take a drivers licence showing your address or a Council rates notice or some other proof that your home is in the Shire. Commercial businesses disposing of green waste will still be liable for the standard gate fees.
Noxious weeds should be destroyed on your own property using herbicides or physical removal. Noxious weeds should not be disposed in landfill and should not be transported because of the risk of spreading seed. Agriculture Victoria has a web page including advice for the control of noxious weeds. November is a good time to address noxious weeds before they have a chance to produce seed. Many weeds are easily pulled from the ground in spring because the soil is moist and soft. Weeds removed by slashing or physical removal can be burned during November and early December before the start of the fire season.
“While we have experienced extreme weather conditions and flooding, we still anticipate a fire season which will approach quickly,” Hepburn Shire Mayor Cr Tim Drylie said. “We want to support our community to be as prepared as possible for summer.”
Council’s Fire Prevention Officers will commence property inspections shortly. Notices may be issued to those properties with high fuel loads.
Council is urging all property owners to reduce fuel on their property and to maintain this level throughout the fire season. Reducing vegetation around your home is one of the most important things you can do to keep your home safe in a bushfire.
The Country Fire Authority has information about what to do to prepare for the Fire Danger Period. See their website at
“If you need support to get your property ready for summer, Council has a list of slashing contractors on our website,” said Cr Drylie.
For transfer station opening times head to