Central Highlands Rural Health palliative care patients and their loved ones now have access to a state of the art “cuddle bed” located in Kyneton thanks to funds donated to the health service.
The majority of the funds were generated by the ‘Mt Macedon Realty Wooling Hill Run 2021’ held in November last year. Locals and tourists were invited to visit the beautiful grounds of the Wooling Hill Memorial Estate to run or walk from the 12th November to the 12th December. Planning is currently underway for the Wooling Hill Run 2022. Funds raised were used to buy a cuddle bed.
The cuddle bed is a specially designed bed that allows family and friends to provide physical comfort to a loved one during end-of-life care as physical closeness can deepen connections and improve quality of life. The cuddle bed offers an opportunity for loved ones to lay together and provide compassionate care as people near the end of their life.
Palliative care
Palliative care is for anyone who has been diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer, neurological disorders, motor neurone disease and end stage kidney or lung disease. Palliative care helps you to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Some people may benefit from palliative care from the time of diagnosis with treatments often being given alongside.
Central Highlands combines hospital and community nursing teams so people can move easily between home and hospital as their illness progresses.
By combining medical, emotional, psychological and spiritual support they aim to make sure people can live with dignity, peace and comfort for the duration of their illness. The care is focused on:
- Symptom relief
- Advance Care Planning
- Resources such as equipment to help aid care at home
- Emotional and practical support for carers and family
- Day respite and in hospital respite
- Support to access other services such as home help and financial support
- Support emotional, social, cultural and spiritual concerns
- Bereavement
Central Highlands Rural Health has palliative care suites at Creswick, Daylesford and Kyneton hospitals, giving families a place to stay close by their loved one while their team looks after them at the end of life.
Palliative Care In the Home
Central Highlands district nurses support wellbeing and can assist to manage symptoms at home.
Palliative Respite Care
Sometimes carers need a break from the full-time and exhausting work of looking after a loved one. It is important to recognise your own needs, and to ask for help.
Central Highlands acute wards in Creswick, Daylesford and Kyneton have dedicated palliative respite beds that can be booked for up to two weeks at a time. The team on the acute ward will take care of your loved one around the clock so you can refresh and look after yourself.
This will give you the chance to see your family and friends, get things done or just sleep to recharge your batteries before continuing with your care role.
To receive palliative care, you can either self-refer or request your GP or healthcare professional refer you to the service. This service is funded by the government.
For more information about Palliative Care, please contact:
(03) 5422 9911 or district@chrh.org.au (for Kyneton and the Macedon Ranges)
(03) 5320 3553 (for Hepburn Shire – through Grampians Regional Palliative Care Team)