Anne E Stewart
Have you got a story to tell?
Just want to listen?
By popular demand, the Cicada Story Slam is going online!
Usually you’ll find us telling stories in the back bar of the Daylesford Hotel. We’re a group dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling. Our aim is to honour the personal stories of our local community while creating a canvas of Hepburn Shire stories. Participants have 5 minutes to win over the audience with a story: no notes, no props; just you and the audience! We’re looking for contestants with a personal story to tell.
But for now, and for the next little while, you’ll be in your own home and Anne E Stewart will be hosting from the Story House and Garden. The task is a bit more technical but we have a great team coordinating the event: Zane and Anthony are handling the technical side, Maia is taking care of Admin and Juanita is helping with web updates.
It’s happening on Thursday 30th April at 7pm. If you want to take part, you must register so we can invite you to the online event. Once you register, we’ll send you additional details.
It seems people are feeling nostalgic, mindful and looking for new ways forward, so the next theme will be what we had planned for our March Slam, on the cusp of close down:
Hindsight 2020
(“Hindsight is 20/20” is a proverb that means it is easy to understand something after it has already happened.)
To register, email:
For more information: