Victor Szwed
Although there was no rain in Daylesford for the first 16 days of January, the Bureau of Meteorology recorded 103.8mm of rainfall by the end of the month. The long term average for January is 46.4mm. My weather station recorded over 130mm for January.
December rainfall in Daylesford was 24.6mm, only half the monthly average, with most of it falling in the first nine days of the month and only 4mm after that date. We had dry conditions from mid-November to mid-January. Total rainfall for 2021 was a welcome 974mm compared to the long term average of 879mm.
Above average rainfall conditions are expected to continue over the coming three months as La Nina continues to influence the weather. Warmer than normal nights are expected across Australia and daytime temperatures are expected to be close to normal or a little lower for our area.
Melbourne experienced its warmest minimum temperatures, during January, for any month since records began in 1855. January’s average minimum temperature was 4°C warmer than the previous record. January in Melbourne also equalled the 1974 record of 17 days over 30°c. Thankfully, some milder weather came in for early February. While we didn’t have really hot days over 35°C, we had lots of very warm and humid days.
Weather conditions provided interesting skies, mornings and evenings. There was a spectacular sky around 6.30am a few days ago but by the time I got outside to take photos it had dissipated. (Photo: Victor Szwed)
Victor Szwed is a local resident who contributes a regular weather column to The Wombat Post.