Term 4 at the Daylesford Neighbourhood House is shaping up to be a great term course-wise!    Even though it might be shortened term, DNC have some great offerings coming up and they are cramming a lot in to a shortened Term 4!   The bulk of the classes commence next week so now would be a great time to think ahead about which courses you’d like to take part in!

Coming up for Term 4 is “Spanish for Beginners”.

DNC are also running their Introduction to Aromatherapy. It’s an ACFE sponsored course, so eligibility criteria apply.

Also sponsored by ACFE is DNC’s Basic Computer Skills for Beginners course. This course is designed for people with little or no computer experience and will cover all the basics that many people simply take for granted.  If you know anyone that might benefit from this course, let them know!

Other courses on offer include Poetry, Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch Therapy, 8 Silken Movements, RSA, Food Handling and First Aid.

You can download the term 4 brochure here.

Just a reminder to everyone that there are many resources available to DNC, including financial assistance and aid.   If you know of anyone who might benefit from a little assistance, put them in touch with us.   We can assist them with the $250 power bonus, securing an interest free loan or help with food assistance.  Our community has lots of avenues for assistance – please contact us if you would like to know more.