The Neighbourhood Centre has announced that it is open again. The Term 4 brochure is being prepared and will be available next week. The term will be shorter than usual because of COVID restrictions.

Adult education classes can start onsite in a face-to-face format from the 5th of November.

Those attending the Centre in the the weeks to come will notice a few changes and updates to that way things are done. At all times the Centre will follow official Departmental Guidelines on COVID safe practices, density requirements and mask wearing. People who attend will be required to follow the guidelines to keep users and staff safe.

The Neighbourhood Centre is putting a call out for Expressions of Interest for a Basic Computer Skills Course. It is envisaged the course will run through Term 4 after November 5 if enough people register. The course will be aimed at people with very little knowledge of computers. Topics will include the MS Office (Word, Excel, etc.), email, internet searches and social media. It will be a 5 week course occurring one day a week for 4 hours. The tutor, Mick Soccio, will guide participants through the computer skills required for every day use.

To register for the Basic Community Skills Course email the Centre on