Community Bank Daylesford District announced today that it has established two scholarships for students from the local area.

One scholarship will support a student undertaking Bachelor Degree study and the other scholarship will support a student undertaking TAFE Study.

Community Bank Chair Mark Rak said, “We are proud to offer these scholarships to support local youth in their education after secondary school. It’s great to be able to help young local people go to Uni or TAFE, recognizing that students in regional areas face additional costs to pursue a university or TAFE education.

“We are able to offer these scholarships because our customers choose to bank with us,” he said.

Each scholarship offers up to $5,000 per year for up to 2 years and can be used to cover expenses related to studying. Applicants must be Australian citizens, must intend to be studying at University or TAFE for the first time in 2023 and must currently live or go to school in postcodes 3460 or 3461.

Applications open on 1 December 2022 and close on 27 January 2023. Information and applications can be found online at the Community Enterprise Foundation website.

Daylesford District Community Bank Scholarships are part of the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Scholarship Program, which partners with Community Bank branches, Rural Bank and The University of Melbourne.