Local News
Quarterly Property Update: Pressure Remains on Pricing
The property market stabilised in Daylesford and surrounding districts over the last six months. Pressure remains on pricing with many properties that have been on the market for at least three months discounting the asking price range by 5- 10%.
Driver Hospitalised After Speedway Accident
A serious accident occurred at the Daylesford Speedway on Sunday February 9. CFA volunteers and Ambulance Victoria officers attended the accident to extract an injured driver from wreckage. The driver evacuated to hospital by medivac helicopter with suspected spinal injuries.
Virtual Women’s Health Clinics Launched in Regional Victoria
A new virtual women’s health clinic will be launched in regional Victoria, providing free access to services such as endometriosis and pelvic pain care, menstrual health, cervical screening, menopause care, breast health care, and abortion.
Exercise and Healthy Ageing
Exercise is one of the most effective ways to promote healthy ageing. Engaging in regular physical activity can significantly enhance the quality of life, improve longevity and reduce the risk of chronic disease.
How to Become a Champion Photographer – Notes From the DNC
Courses soon to start at the DNC include Smartphone Photography and Food Handlers Course.
Gas Leak at Clunes Closes Shire Swimming Pools
The Clunes, Daylesford, and Trentham pools were all shut down last week after a fault was discovered in the pool operating equipment at Clunes. Three staff members were affected and required medical treatment.
Consolidation of Shire’s Building Services
Hepburn Shire Council has reached an agreement with Mount Alexander Shire Council to deliver building services across both shire areas. The consolidation of the building services teams means a single team will now provide building services to the communities of both shires.
A Flourishing Year for the Daylesford and District Horticultural Society
The Daylesford & District Horticultural Society, fondly known as the “Hortis,” has launched into a new year following a successful and eventful 2024. With a mix of informative talks, hands-on activities, and social gatherings, members embraced a diverse range of horticultural experiences.
A Dry 2024 and a Dry January 2025: Where is our Weather Heading?
Total rainfall for 2024 was only around 648mm for Daylesford, 74% of the long term mean. January 2025 also was drier than usual. High summer temperatures combined with dry conditions have resulted in serious fires. Warm to hot weather normally continues to the second half of March before autumn conditions roll in, so fire risks will remain very high to extreme.
Federal Government Supports Goldfields World Heritage Listing
The Australian Government has officially given the green light for the Victorian Goldfields’ bid for World Heritage Listing. This recognition would not only preserve its historical landmarks, but also boost local economies, foster pride, and attract people from around the world to experience the region’s landscapes, historic towns, and cultural treasures.