Support the DNC through the Container Deposit Scheme
DNC has recently joined the Container Deposit Scheme as a “Donation Partner”. This means that anyone who would like to donate their small refund to a local organisation can simply select Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre as the recipient and that refund comes directly to us.
DNC supports lots of vulnerable people with our hygiene station and we also support people with meals where we can. We’d love to be able to help out more, so this is where your donations can assist.
Next time you have a few bottles to recycle and would like to donate to a local organisation, why not consider the local Neighbourhood Centre. We’re local, we are a not-for-profit organisation working for our community and we do a lot behind the scenes to support the Daylesford community.
Still Celebrating!
DNC Committee members, staff and volunteers were delighted at the outcome of the appeal against the granting of a licence to Dan Murphy’s in Daylesford. (See our report in last week’s Wombat Post edition last week).
We joined the celebration last Sunday (despite the downpour!) where some 60 members gathered to mark the event.
See if you can identify the DNC people in the photos!
Changed Hours of Business for DNC
DNC will be altering our reception hours from Monday 26th August (next week). Reception will be open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm from Monday to Thursday. Reception will be closed on Fridays.
As always, room hire bookings will still be available after hours with a code, so if you currently have a room hire booking, that will not change.
The new hours may or may not affect you, but if you have any questions about accessing or leaving the centre after hours, please make sure to contact us on 53483569.
We don’t believe this will inconvenience your activity at the Centre, but please do let us know if you have any concerns.
DNC Joke of the Week
A tall, weather-worn cowboy walked into a saloon and ordered a beer. The regulars quietly observed the drifter through half-closed eyelids. No one spoke, but they all noticed that the stranger’s hat was made of brown wrapping paper. Less obvious was the fact that his shirt and vest were also made of paper. As were his chaps, pants and even his boots, including the paper spurs. Truth be told, even the saddle, blanket and bridle on his horse were made entirely of paper. The sheriff walked in and of course he arrested him immediately — for rustling.
[If you’ve got a better joke, (and doesn’t everyone??) send it to and we’ll publish it. (Remember, this is a family publication! 😊). We’ll even include your name if you wish – or you can protect your anonymity!]