Acceptance is the Door to Freedom – a story set to music with Petrus Spronk and Benoît Oury.

“Imagine just being diagnosed with cancer and because the letter C is close to the letter D on the keyboard, I made the word ‘cancer’ into the word ‘dancer’, so my diagnosis became somewhat different.”

In this early Words in Winter event, Petrus Spronk will share his experience with cancer and how he overcame it in a music and storytelling event at Yandoit Cultural. Petrus will share his story, filled with his usual humour and wisdom, accompanied by renowned French clarinet player, Benoît Oury.

Date: Saturday August 17
Time: 5.00pm
Venue: Yandoit Cultural – the old church in the bush, Uniting Church Rd, off High St, Yandoit
Entry: By donation