Elaine Pearson, the Asia Director of Human Rights Watch will be the guest speaker at the U3A Annual General Meeting on Tuesday November 8.
Elaine has conducted numerous human rights investigations in the Asia-Pacific region and around the world. She writes frequently for a range of publications and her articles have appeared in the Guardian, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian, Foreign Policy and the Washington Post.
Elaine is currently the director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia Division, overseeing the work of the division in more than 20 countries. She joined Human Rights Watch in 2007 and was the Deputy Director of the Asia Division before establishing a Human Rights Watch office in Sydney. She became the inaugural Australia Director in 2013, a position she holds to this day.
The Hepburn Shire U3A AGM will be held in the Daylesford Town Hall starting at 10:00 am on Tuesday, November 8. Elaine Pearson will speak starting at 10:30.
RSVP to info@u3ahepburnshire. For further inquiries contact Gillian Freimanis on 0412 680 600.