Each year, Hepburn Shire Council calls for nominations for local citizens and groups that have made significant contributions to the community. After consideration by a Shire committee, awards are presented to a Citizen of the Year, a Young Citizen of the Year and an individual or community group for Community Event of the Year.
Nominations are now open for the 2023 Community Awards.
Citizen of the Year is awarded to an adult (aged 25 years or older) who has made a significant contribution during the year or an outstanding contribution over a period of years on a voluntary basis. The person must have demonstrated leadership and a commitment to the welfare and well being of the community.
Young Citizen of the year is awarded on a similar basis to a person aged under 25 years.
Community Event of the Year is awarded to an individual or group who has staged a significant community event within Hepburn Shire during 2022 which has had significant benefit for the Shire.
More information including award criteria and nomination forms are available on the Council Community Awards website. A list of previous winners of the awards is also available for those interested in the sorts of contributions which have been recognised in the past. Further inquiries can be directed to Rebecca Smith, Manager Governance and Risk.
Nominations close 5:00pm Thursday 24 November 2022. The awards will be presented during a Civic Event on 25 January 2023.
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