Hepburn Shire Council has a number of community advisory committees which seek to provide a range of community inputs for policy and strategic direction. These committees provide a mechanism for community voices to be included directly in local government decisions.
Two advisory committees are currently seeking community members: the Gender Equity Advisory Committee and the Reconciliation Action Committee.
Gender Equity Advisory Committee
Council established the Gender Equity Advisory Committee (GEAC) in 2021. The aim of GEAC is to provide Council with advice on improving gender equity within Council and the community. The concept recognises that people may have different needs and power related to their gender and theat these differences should be identified and addressed in a manner tht ectifies gender related imbalances.
Council is now calling on applications from suitably qualified and experienced community members for vacancies on GEAC. Applications close Friday 8 July 2022. For those interested in applying, read the Terms of Reference, and apply through the GEAC webpage. For enquiries, please contact customer service 5348 2306.
Reconciliation Advisory Committee
Hepburn Shire’s Reconciliation Action Plan is a 12 month business plan outlining what the organisation will do within its sphere of influence to contribute to reconciliation. The plan is based around three key areas of action: Relationships, Respect and Opportunities.
Council is calling for expressions of interest from community representatives to serve on the Reconciliation Advisory Committee (RAC). The RAC provides a forum for Hepburn Shire to consult key stakeholders and seek advice regarding the process, development, and implementation of the next Reconciliation Action Plan.