The Dharma School opened in 2009 in Perrin Street, Daylesford. Ten years later, the school relocated to the outskirts of Daylesford: a 22-acre paddock with no gardens or trees. The entire area was ripe and ready for the children to begin the transformation of the space into a place of wonder and curiosity – one that supports the lives of many beings.

The entire area was ripe and ready for the children to begin the transformation of the space into a place of wonder and curiosity; one that supports the lives of many beings. In the short space of 18 months, from the school’s initial grass paddock surrounds in 2019, rock gardens and trees are emerging.

This work began with Former Rotary President, Colin Metcalf using timber from the original school in Perrin Street to create six productive garden beds then Rotary Members (and Rotary funds), Dharma students, the School families, along with Daylesford Community members, have managed to turn a paddock into a flourishing garden.

Following are images of the planned school, the school when first built in 2019, and then again in 2021 since the works have been completed. This end result has been through the wonderful collaboration of students, teachers, parents and community groups working together to design and build the gardens, led by enthusiastic garden designer Miri Taube, and teacher, Tanya Wiggins.

The Dharma School under construction in 2019.


The Dharma School surrounds in 2019 have been transformed into a flourishing garden.