Victor Szwed

This week’s Spring weather gives us all some encouragement during lock-down. While the weather will now be a mixture of cool and mild conditions, the days are getting longer and we will get more welcome sunshine.

Daffodils have been letting us know that spring is coming and our fruit trees are eager to bud and flower. It is a good time to get your vegetable garden organised and plant most spring and some summer plants. Watch out for frosts and cold temperatures as some plants will suffer unless they have protection.

Rainfall for August was below average at 76mm compared to the long term 103.7mm. Total rainfall for 2021 is 688m, fifteen percent over the 600mm long term average. The Bureau of Meteorology continues to predict that rainfall for spring (September to the end of November) is likely to be above average for the eastern two thirds of Australia. Overnight, minimum temperatures are expected to be a little above average across much of Australia for Spring while maximum temperatures are expected to be a little below average.

The good rains have helped to boost Melbourne’s reservoirs to around 81% full compared to just over 71% this time last year. Daylesford’s reservoirs are  full and overflowing.

Victor Szwed is a Daylesford resident who contributes a regular column on the weather to The Wombat Post.