Since commencing the Hepburn Together project in February of this year Council has been out and about engaging with the community about the Community Vision and the Council Plan. At a Special Meeting of Council held on 27 July, a draft of the Community Vision and Council Plan incorporating the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan was released for public feedback.
This has truly been a community-led project, with more than 1,400 people and different community groups involved along with the work of the Hepburn Together Deliberative Engagement Community Panel. Council is now presenting the document it to the community for review and feedback.
In this video (created by her 13 year old daughter), Cr Jen Bray shares some of the feedback from the Hepburn Together consultation and the Council Vision.
You can review these documents on the Participate Hepburn website, or at the Council Community Hubs and send your feedback through the online submission process by Tuesday 27 August.
Council is holding community information sessions where the Mayor and CEO will take you through the Community Vision and Council Plan. Community members are welcome. One session was held earlier this week. Details of the remaining sessions are below:
Meeting Two: Thursday 12 August, 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Or dial in (03) 7018 2005
Meeting ID: 940 1065 8462
Passcode: 060594
Meeting Three: Monday 16 August, 6pm-7pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Or dial in via (03) 7018 2005
Meeting ID: 985 1817 6745
Passcode: 449131