Local potato farmers are making their feelings about the Ausnet transmission lines project clear as part of a broader  campaign against Ausnet.

They see the lines as an eyesore and want them put underground.

The lines are part the development of renewable energy zones for Victoria. The project will see construction of 190km of overhead transmission lines for the Western Victoria Transmission Network Project.

Hepburn Council says it will continue to advocate on behalf of community groups concerned about the project.

Mayor, Lesley Hewitt, said Council shares concerns with the community that transmission lines will have a negative impact on the region’s landscape, heritage and farmland.

The shift to renewable energy is rapidly gaining pace in Victoria.

“We are of course very supportive of renewable energy, and the importance of transmitting it to the electricity grid. However, we are strongly advocating for the appropriate placement of powerlines (undergrounding being our preference) and of the terminal station location,” said Cr Hewitt.

“We want clearer information on the project and for the community and local stakeholders to have greater input into the project.”

Along with community group representatives, Council and staff have met with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and the National Energy Infrastructure Commissioner. Representatives from AusNet Services, the company contracted to build the transmission lines, have also briefed Councillors on the project.

“We are a member of the Technical Reference Group for the Environmental Effects Statement, and collaborative working groups across Councils, including a working group of CEOs,” said Cr Hewitt.

“Council will keep on advocating for the best outcome for our community. This is a major project for our region and it is critical that local concerns are taken into account,” she said.

You can stay updated with actions undertaken by Council at the Shire Transmission Line page.